Is This What Growth Is?

Just after Father’s Day in June of 2013, I started seeing a psychologist. Nearly eight years later, I was told by her that it is time for termination of therapy, that I had graduated, and I don’t need to see her anymore. How does one process that information?

When I started seeing my therapist. I was sleeping in my car during the week and struggling through an emotionally crippling, abusive marriage. Today, I am married to a different woman. She is amazingly supportive. We own our own home. I have good healthy relationships with all three of my sons. I have reconnected with family and friends that I abandoned in the fifteen years prior to starting to get mentally healthy. I have made so many new friends and connections in a community where I am accepted. That is a lot of growth.

The idea of ending my therapy was, honestly, terrifying. With the exception of the three maternity leave breaks that my therapist has taken in these nigh eight years, I have had my weekly session as something to look forward to, something to help me level out the chaos in my mind and emotions. Am I ready to walk away from that? Am I strong enough?

I suppose I should look at this as an accomplishment. This professional, who has known me at some of the lowest points in my life, thinks that I am doing really well. Well enough that I can handle whatever comes at me in a healthy manner. That seems like I should be proud and confident.

It feels very much like taking a step onto to a rope bridge high above a ravine. If you just put one foot in front of the other and hold on to the sides, you will make it across. Having a therapist has been like having a trail guide up the mountain to get to this point teaching me what I need to know about the bridge and how to get across, and now I am expected to cross this bridge on my own. Doesn’t she know I am afraid of heights????

After years of severe depression and anxiety, does this mean I am cured. No. I am not that naïve. It means that I have the tools to help myself when those emotions and aspects of myself become more prevalent. It means that I have grown stronger and built the right kind of stability and support systems in my life to help me cross that bridge without my therapist.

Writing this post has helped me to wrap my head around this idea. It hasn’t help to lessen my apprehension. I am still nervous, but I know that if I feel that I need her I could always call and make an appointment to have a session. (See this is the kind of managing anxiety tools she has been talking about. She may be on to something.)

There are a lot of things going on in my personal life that are challenging. Some are even exciting. Yet, this woman told me that she has never seen me so stable and secure in myself.

I have spent a lot of time thinking about how the way that I process stress and my emotions has evolved over the last eight plus years. I wanted to share two examples of things that I am proud of.

In my previous relationship, trust was nonexistent from my partner. I was the primary income earner, and for nine years, my job was a three hour bus ride away from home. Yes, three hours each way. In the fourteen hours a day, that I spent away making a living, I was stressed to the gills thinking about when I would get home, and what condition my wife’s emotions would be.

From the time I left the house until I got home, I was constantly trying to manage her mood remotely by giving her positive feedback and attempting to assuage her ever present paranoia. The abject terror that overwhelmed me if I was late was immeasurable. If I had to work late, the suspicion and anger that I would have to endure was so oppressive that I did everything that I could to avoid that. God forbid there was a traffic accident or bad weather that delayed my trip home. I would literally run home once I was off the bus in some bizarre attempt to make up the lost minutes due to the delay.

Recently, I needed to go to a remote work site about forty minutes from home to perform a task. As I was leaving the job, after a successful effort, I felt a lightness in my step that I had not had in my past relationship. I knew that I could get home whenever the time allowed, and if I wanted to make a stop, I could. My wife and children would be okay, and dinner would get handled. I would not need to defend every second that deviated from the original time expectations. The freedom and lack of stress was invigorating, and the momentary recognition of how far I had come was unexpected and liberating.

The second realization that I wanted to share involves how my outlook and actions reflect self care more and more. After I ended the abusive marriage with my ex-wife, she continued to be a part of my life. We share three children and two were still young. Therefore the vitriol you would expect from someone who is dysregulated from reality regularly was unloaded on me. Most often via SMS text messages. The novellas that I received were full of accusations that were delivered in passive/aggressive tones and justified by her faux martyr syndrome delusions. I dreaded these text messages.

In order to alert myself that the text bomb had arrived, I set the SMS notification sound for my ex to be an ominous church bell. I would immediately stiffen with anticipation when I heard that dreadful bong. I would pray that it was some piece of innocuous information, but more often than not, it was some threat or slight that I was a bad father and making my children’s lives horrible, by not complying with her irrational and illogical demands. I lived in fear of that bell.

I recognize now all the power to control my emotions that I gave to her. I set the notification apart to identify it. I also chose a sound that signified a dark foreboding mood. These are things that I did. I allowed her to hold that power over me. Today, there is no distinguisher for my ex’s messages. Since my sons decided to live with me instead of her, we no longer have much to talk about, and she has blocked my phone from hers, but if she did text me, I would hope that I would react with the knowledge that she does not own my emotions. I am able to separate her irrationality from my life and know that I do not need to feed or correct her dysregulation.

These are just two instances of the emotional growth and healing that achieved while working with my therapist. I am not cured, nor perfect, but I am better. I am better equipped to identify my emotional triggers and analyze the roots of my behavior patterns and make healthy adjustments.

This post has been written over several weeks, and I have indeed ended my regular therapy with my therapist. The last appointment was sad and I cried, because I will miss her. I am forever thankful to her for guiding my healing journey. As we near the end of Mental Health Awareness month, I want to encourage anyone who has thought about needing therapy to seek out whatever resources are available to them. If you do the work, it does get better.

For anyone who needs it, is a great starting place for mental health resources.

Bright and Shiny One

You came with boundless energy
And a smile that would illuminate
Even the darkest days

You grew tall and strong like a tree
Spreading your branches
To reach out to the world

Your infectious laughter lightened
Everyone’s day and
Hid the pain you kept inside.

You never failed to dazzle me
Either with your inquisitive intellect
Or your abundant talent.

You were the most authentic of us,
The one who became a man
While we weren’t watching.

You held so much inside
And struggled with your demons
Time and again.

You had love to give for everyone,
And were there for anyone
Who needed you.

Your memory is washed with blue and gold
Hues that remind of your hair
And deep penetrating eyes.

You are gone from us now
And the world is darker
Without the bright and shiny one.

Alan, My beautiful cousin,
I am lost. I miss you.
I love you.

Alas My Cousin Is Gone

My cousin Alan passed away. We don’t know exactly what happened, because he was alone. We think that he sold his phone so he could get drugs, and died on the beach. He was 42.

Alan was troubled. He struggled to find happiness because the demon itch of drugs derailed every plan for health he had. It cost him and everyone around him in immeasurable ways. He lied. He stole. He ran from reality.

But he was a kind soul. He was inquisitive and thoughtful. He wanted happiness for the world, even though he struggled to find it for himself. He was forgiving and compassionate.

Alan spent much of his far too short life struggling to deal with addiction. A lot of that was done in solitude.

I have wonderful memories of time with my little cousin. My mother and her sister have always been very close and they had three kids between them in a span of eighteen months. They were my cousin Lisa, my sister, and I. Six years later, Alan was born to complete our quirky quartet of cousins. When we were younger, Alan was like a little brother to me.

There was a time when my Aunt needed to drive my grandfather’s car from New Jersey to Florida for the winter. Alan was too young to stay home, but also too old to be left alone in the back of the car on a long trip. I went along. It was an amazing experience that included stops in the Carolinas and a robbery in Daytona. Alan and I reminisced about that trip in one of our last conversations.

As I grew into adulthood and got married, my life became complicated and I lost track with a lot of my family until about eight years ago. It was then that I learned of Alan’s lifelong struggles. Growing up a gay heroin addict is not easy. He was loved and supported by his parents and siblings. We reconnected and he accepted me back into his life as much as he could, but Alan always kept people at arms length. You have to do that when you are conspiring to find your next fix. I know the deception that he lived with ate at him. I know he felt guilt and shame. These are normal emotions for someone in his condition. It did not however change how he cared for others. If you asked, he would help. If you needed him, he would do all that he could for you.

I am devastated by the loss of my cousin, my little brother. I am sad that he will not ask me another intriguing question about something he read. I am sorry that I will never get to hold him again and tell him I love him.

Two Stories for the Fourth About Karma and Karens

I have two stories to share today on the most uncelebrated Fourth of July in memory. Hopefully everyone is social distancing and staying safe so we can end this pandemic the correct way as opposed to just deciding it doesn’t matter anymore.

These stories really have nothing to do to comics, and since this is my easiest platform for longer thought I am putting them here instead of long text Facebook posts that nobody reads.

However, let it be known that comics are magical, educational, cathartic, and part of my soul. Read More Comics. They are good for you.

The last bit of backstory that you need for these stories is this. Yesterday, my wife Shari had her newly replaced hip dislocate itself TWICE. She is recovering well at home now, but the a twenty-hour period included three calls to 911, two emergency room hospital visits and lots of tears. We will see the surgeon in two days to hopefully get more clarity on why this happened.

Ok, Back to the stories. Story number one is a little bit of irony. Yesterday, I was in a conversation with my cousin, and we were talking about Shari’s ordeal. I wasn’t able to be at the hospital with her because of the pandemic. Here in Maryland, summer is in full force with oppressive heat and humidity. I mentioned how fortuitous it was that we bought our new home last fall.

Our previous rental home was a “two-bedroom” bungalow that had only one window mount air conditioning unit, no laundry, and one tiny bathroom. It was the place that I found when I was running from my previous relationship with self-preservation in mind. It was affordable and served our purposes for six years.

However, we are so thankful that we have been able to ride out the pandemic in our own home with two bathrooms, in-home laundry, and central air. Ironically, this is the first home that has been my permanent home in my life that has central air. I LOVE IT.

Here is where it gets weird. As I was telling this to my cousin, I also mentioned that it was great that the previous owners replaced the AC system last year before we bought it. I stupidly said how excited I was that I wouldn’t have to worry about any repairs for at least a few years.

You can see it coming right?

When we got back from picking up Shari from the hospital for the second time, I noticed that the house was a little warm.  At this point it was almost 11:00 PM and it was 79 degrees in the house with the AC set to 75. The blower was pushing air through the vents but the condenser outside wasn’t on. I found that there is a power disconnect switch that is in-line with the condenser and one of the fuses in that switch was blown.

I freaked out. Then I Googled and YouTube’d the problem, and calmed down a little. We made it through the night ok, and this morning I ran out and purchased a replacement fuse for under ten bucks. All is fixed now, but talk about Karma, right? You can call it irony, bad luck, kismet, or whatever you want, but if you think that I didn’t do an extensive search for a little white tiki statue in the house, you are kidding yourself.

Story number two is not as funny, but it is important.

As I mentioned, we had to call for emergency services three times, and in total, nine different emergency personnel from Baltimore County Emergency Services responded. With one exception, they were wonderfully caring, professional, and supportive people. They listened to Shari’s fears and concerns about the considerable pain that she was in and did their absolute best to care for her.

The one exception was a volunteer paramedic who just immediately rubbed me the wrong way. To me, she just felt distracted and not sympathetic to the fact that my wife had an artificial hip dislocation and she could not move at all without the pain reverberating through her body like a bell.

When I picked Shari up from the hospital, we talked about how great everyone had been in taking care of her. I did mention to her my concerns about the one paramedic that I didn’t like. We will call her Karen. It wasn’t until this morning that Shari mentioned that she remembered something about Karen that would really make me upset.

While she was waiting for a room at the ER, Shari overheard Karen talking with her colleagues. Karen said something to the effect that it would be “OK” with her if her son turned out to be gay, but it would be a different story if he came out as transsexual.

Yep!! We see you, Transphobe! People are people, and I cannot abide by this hurtful speech. We cannot force people to change their prejudices, but we can hope that through education and dialogue there will be acceptance. What we cannot allow is for it to be “OK” to just speak this type of ugliness in our society and spread hate.

In our country and world today, we are on the verge of a sea change towards acceptance and real tangible adjustments in how marginalized and minority groups are treated. It will happen if we speak up when we see hatred and let people know that it is unacceptable.

So. On this day of celebrating independence and self-rule, let us remember that too many people are suffering from the tyranny of hate-think, and we all need to take are place in the fight against it.

The lessons to be learned are that Karma is real and my gut judgement of transphobe Karen was dead on.

Have a safe weekend everyone.


Alas – Anthony Bourdain

Today’s news of Anthony Bourdain’s suicide is tragic. It is tragic for those who knew and loved him. It is tragic for me, because of what he represented to me. It is also tragic for the world.

I remember watching “A Cook’s Tour” in the early 2000’s and finding it captivating. It was raw and real. Bourdain came through the screen as an authentic, flawed, and real person. Over the years and through his various projects, he continued to display those same characteristics. He appeared genuine and didn’t appear to care to be anything other than that.

His concern for humanity was evident in everything he did. His exploration of the various aspects of the human condition through the celebration of global food culture was enlightening.  And that is what it seemed was his goal. To celebrate humanity and raise our understanding of it.

That he took his own life is terribly sad. On this amazing planet that we live, it is horrible that someone like this should take this path.  I don’t condemn him for it. As someone who has struggled with depression in various stages for the past thirty years, I understand it. I weep for this man. I weep for those who have lost him personally. I weep for the world that no longer has his sharp tongued wit and keen eye for presenting the world in its raw form.

If you don’t know about Anthony Bourdain, go find out about him. Watch a show he hosted. Read a book he wrote. Then raise a glass and resolve to let his mission to share the world continue.

Everything We Read This Week – 5/2/2018

In this column, we make a quick trip through this weeks pull-list. It features mostly spoiler-free brief analysis and commentary of each book.

There is a 4 star rating system. It is simple and not to be taken too seriously as everyone gets their own impressions of art. These ratings are just to give our readers an Idea of what we thought of the book and they will be on the generous side normally. So don’t expect to see a lot of 1 Stars.

The rating system is as follows:

  • 4 Stars – Great
  • 3 Stars – Good
  • 2 Stars – OK
  • 1 Star – Not Good

Ok. On with the list. It is in alphabetical order.

Action Comics Special
DC Comics
Story 1: “The Last Will and Testament of Lex Luthor”
Written by Dan Jurgens
Art by Will Conrad
Colors by Will Quintana
Letters by Rob Leigh
Story 2: “Suprema Est Lex”
Written by Mark Russell
Art by Jill Thompson
Colors by Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Letters by Rob Leigh
Story 3: “Driver’s Seat”
Written by Max Landis
Art by Francis Manapul
Letters by Steve Wands
This is an anthology issue to fill the gap before Action is relaunched in June under Brian Michael Bendis’ watch.  With that being said, all three separate stories are well done.  The Jurgens / Conrad story explores a possibility and hits a true note by exploring Lex’s feelings toward Superman.  The second story is uncannily timely in that it is set at the White House Correspondents Dinner.  Given Russell’s recent work on Snagglepuss, the subject matter is definitely in his wheelhouse. Jill Thompson’s interiors are a joy to behold.  The last story by Landis / Manapul is beautifully painted and strikes a couple of heartwarming notes even if the plot is a little disjointed.
3 Stars
One-Shot Special


Astonishing X-Men #11
Marvel Comics
Written by Charles Soule
Art by Ron Garney
Colors by Matt Milla
Letters by Vc’s Clayton Cowles
This is the penultimate issue of Charles Soule’s run on Astonishing.  The team continues to deal with Proteus while a somewhat unexpected revelation is presented to Psylocke.  The revelation leaves a cliffhanger that needs to be explained in the next (last) issue of this run. The art is well laid out and the colors are especially powerful.
3 Stars
Will Continue


Avengers #1
Marvel Comics
Written by Jason Aaron
Pencils by Ed McGuiness
Inks by Mark Morales
Colors by David Curiel
Letters by VC’s Cory Petit
This book is spinning out of the events of the “No Surrender” storyline.  It also continues some of the story from Marvel Legacy #1 and is certainly developing a deep and complex adventure.  While it is a “Get the band together” type of story, the interactions of Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor are enjoyable. We are looking forward to this team being formed and seeing how they work together. McGuiness and Morales make an excellent team and put together high quality visuals as usual.
3 Stars
Will Continue


Batman #46
DC Comics
Written by Tom King
Art by Tony S. Daniel
Ink Assist by Sandu Florea
Colors by Tomeu Morey
Letters by Clayton Cowles
This is a Tom King Batman story. It is smart, funny, and heart breaking. Tony Daniel’s art is amazing, and the level of storytelling in the layouts is fantastic. We absolutely cannot wait for the resolution of Booster Gold’s “Gift”.
4 stars
Will Continue


Coda #1
Boom! Studios
Written by Simon Spurrier
Art by Matias Bergara
Color Assist by Michael Doig
Letters by Colin Bell
This is a new offering this week. It is intriguing. It feels a bit like a western if the west was a magical that is losing magic. The art is a bit loose and cartoonish but it fits the “Western” theme. There is an amazing color palette that really makes the book work. We are definitely interested in seeing what happens with this story.
3 Stars
Will Continue


Dark Ark #6
Aftershock Comics
Written by Cullen Bunn
Art by Juan Doe
Letters by Ryane Hill
This issue begins the second arc of Dark Ark. (Hehe)  The excellent supernatural storytelling that has marked the earlier issues of this series continues here. The mystery of what is happening on the other Ark deepens and the storytellers take some space to give the readers more about the origin of these Arks via flashback. The colors continue to be one of the key creative voices in this book. They set the tone in an amazing way.
3 Stars
Will Continue


DC Nation #0
DC Comics
Story 1: Batman in “Your Big Day”
Written by Tom King
Art by Clay Mann
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Letters by Clayton Cowles
Story 2: Superman in “Office Space”
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Pencils by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez
Inks by Dexter Vines
Colors by Alex Sinclair
Letters by Josh Reed
Story 3: The Justice League in “No Justice” Prelude
Written by Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, and Joshua Williamson
Art by Jorge Jimenez
Colors by Alejandro Sanchez
Letters by Andworld Design
There are three short stories in this one-shot. They all set up the upcoming storylines in the DC Universe. There is a Batman story that is essentially a terrifying Joker story. Clay Mann’s Joker will haunt you.  There is a Superman story by Brian Bendis and gorgeously drawn by the master Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez. As if we needed enticement to read the Man of Steel series that starts next week. We now have more. There is a Justice League: No Justice prelude. It explains some of why the JL has brought new (bad) people into the roster and why they are broken into teams. Jorge Jimenez is just putting it all out there on the art, and it works so well.
3 Stars
One Shot


Death or Glory
Image Comics
Written by Rick Remender
Art by Bengal
Letters by Rus Wooton
This is a new series from Image.  It is an oversized premier issue which is appreciated, because a lot of story takes place in this first issue. It is an on-the-run story that could take place in the near future if not present day. The protagonist of Glory Owen is nicely defined, and her stated mission is simple and sympathetic. There are some excellent chase scenes beautifully done by Bengal. This is definitely a keeper.
3.5 Stars
Will Continue


Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles #5
DC Comics
Written by Mark Russell
Pencils by Mike Feehan
Inks by Sean Parsons and Jose Marzan Jr.
Colors by Paul Mounts
Letters by Dave Sharpe
This series a highlight of the pull-list every month.  Russell and Feehan are telling an important story about universal topics. However, in the greatest irony, it is set in 1950’s “McCarthyist” America, and told through the life of a pink anthropomorphic tiger with no pants.  It is smart and captivating. The clean lined art is the absolute perfect mixture of cartoon and artistic realism. We are eagerly anticipating the conclusion of this story arc.  The Sasquatch Detective backup story by Brandy Stilwell and Gus Vazquez is just absolutely hilarious.
4 Stars
Will Continue


Harley Loves Joker #1
DC Comics
Written by Paul Dini
Art by Bret Blevins
Colors by Alex Sinclair
Letters by Dave Sharpe
This is the first issue of a quick two-part mini-series. It begins as a heist story leads into the introduction of new character that shares Harley’s admiration of the Joker.  Blevins’ art is very reminiscent of the BTAS style which is appropriate for a story written by Harley’s creator.
3 Stars
Will continue


Infinity Countdown #3
Marvel Comics
Written by Gerry Duggan
Pencils by Aaron Kuder and Mike Hawthorne
Inks by Aaron Kuder and Terry Pallot
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Letters by VC’s Cory Petit
We keep wishing for this book to get better. The pacing is slow with endless battle scenes. There was finally some resolution to Guardians battle on Xitaung. The art is ok but the differences between the two artists is more jarring than we would like. We will continue to get this book in hopes that the other stones stories will be more interesting and that Adam Warlock gets a chance to shine. Also the next issue has Galactus.
2 Stars
Will Continue… reluctantly


Nightwing #44
DC Comics
Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Chris Moonyham
Colors by Nick Filardi
Letters by Carlos M. Mangual
This is the beginning of Benjamin Percy’s run.  It is definitely setting up a mystery for the “World’s Greatest Detective” to solve. The positives are that it feels very much like a continuation of the run that Tim Seeley and Sam Humphries began. Chris Moonyham’s art is truly wonderful. The character layouts are excellent. We are not really thrilled with the anti-tech stance that Percy is offering for Dick. Granted he is no Tim Drake, but the disdain for technology is a little heavy handed and overplayed.
3 Stars
Will Continue


Red Sonja / Tarzan #1
Dynamite Entertainment
Written by Gail Simone
Art by Walter Geovani
Colors by Adriano Augusto
Letters by Simon Bowland
This is the first issue of an interesting crossover between two iconic characters of fantasy comics. Gail Simone has begun to weave an exciting tale of rage and vengeance with a particularly odious villain. Walter Geovani’s art is beautifully detailed and laid out perfectly.
3 Stars
Will continue


Shade: The Changing Woman #3
DC Comics (Young Animal Imprint)
Written by Cecil Castellucci
Art by Marley Zarcone
Additional Inks by Ande Parks
Color by Kelly Fitzpatrick
Letters by Saida Temofonte
The story of Shade’s interaction with Rac Shade continues. The art continues to move this saga in its path to madness. If you have been reading this book, you will not be disappointed by this issue.
3 Stars
Will Continue


X-Men Gold #27
Marvel Comics
Written by Marc Guggenheim
Art by Geraldo Borges and David Marquez
Colors by Arif Prianto and Matthew Wilson
Letters by VC’s Cory Petit
Colossus’ bachelor party fallout continues in this issue. The team tracks down their captured comrade (Hehe) and engage his captors in the Savage Land. Some important development continue with both Rachel and Ororo that will need to addressed sooner or later.  The lettering in this book was particularly interesting.
2.5 Stars
Will Continue

Well that is it for this week. This is not inclusive of all the great books out there. Go find what you like and read it and talk about it. Comments are always welcome.

Everything We Read This Week

In this column we make a quick trip through the pull list. There will be a brief analysis of each book and commentary on if we will continue to keep the series on the pull list if applicable. It is intended to be spoiler free, but you never know. Right?

There is a 4 star rating system. It is simple and not to be taken too seriously as everyone gets their own impressions of art. These ratings are just to give our readers an Idea of what we thought of the book and they will be on the generous side normally. So don’t expect to see a lot of 1 Stars.

The rating system is as follows:

  • 4 Stars – Great
  • 3 Stars – Good
  • 2 Stars – OK
  • 1 Star – Not Good

Ok. On with the list. It is in alphabetical order.

All-New Wolverine #34
Marvel Comics
Written by Tom Taylor
Art by Ramon Rosanas
Colors by Nolan Woodard
Letters by VC’s Cory Petit
Tom Taylor continues to absolutely kill it with this book. It is easily one of the best books month to month and this issue is no exception. Beautifully drawn and colored. This continues the “Old Woman Laura” story-line that is just a fabulously imaginative futurescape. One more issue to wrap this up before Laura goes back to being X-23.
4 Stars
Will Continue

Avengers #690
Marvel Comics
Written by Mark Waid, Al Ewing, Jim Zub
Art by Pepe Larraz
Colors by David Curiel
Letters by VC’s Cory Petit
This issues is essentially the epilogue to the “No Surrender” story-line. It is a collection of 1 to 2 page aftermath vignettes setting the stage for things to come in the Marvel Universe. The art is well done and feels like a part of the larger story. We will look forward to how the events of this story change Marvel going forward.
3 Stars
Will Continue with Avengers #1

Batman and the Signal #3 of 3
DC Comics
Written by Tony Patrick (Story by Scott Snyder and Tony Patrick)
Art by Cully Hamner
Colors by Laura Martin
Letters by Deron Bennett
This is the final issue of this 3 issue mini-series.  The story wraps up nicely. There are some lingering questions related to Duke Thomas, but it was a well done series over all. The art in this issue was on-point. The color was especially good by the wonderful Laura Martin.
3 Stars

Detective Comics #979
DC Comics
Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Philippe Briones
Colors by John Kalisz
Letters by Sal Cipriano
The end of the Batmen continues and certainly ratchets up the intensity.  The story continues to be excellently told, and we are certainly looking forward to the conclusion of this Tim Drake centric tale.
3 Stars
Will continue

Doctor Strange #389
Marvel Comics
Written by Donny Cates
Art by Niko Henrichon
Letters by VC’s Cory Petit
Doctor Strange: Damnation #4
Marvel Comics
Written by Donny Cates and Nick Spencer
Art by Rod Reis
Letters by VC’s Travis Lanham
These two books really need to be read together. The contemporaneous nature of this story in the main book and the side book has made the reader question why and how it was done this way, but Donny Cates has made it work well despite those misgivings. The Hell in Las Vegas story is wrapped up in these books and with a satisfying ending. The art is nice in both books. The painted feel of Rod Ries’s Damnation is definitely eye catching.
3 Stars
Will continue the main book as the side book is ended

Doom Patrol #11
DC Comics – Young Animal
Written by Gerard Way
Pencils by Nick Derington
Inks by Tom Fowler
Colors by Tamra Bonvillian
Letters by Todd Klein
This series continues to be visually striking. From the storytelling to the clean inks to the colors and lettering. The plot flows well for a Gerard Way book. That is not a dig. This issue follows up on the fallout of the Milk Wars crossovers and sets the group up for their next adventures. Over all a satisfying read.
3 Stars
Will Continue

Exiles #2
Marvel Comics
Written by Saladin Ahmed
Pencils by Javier Rodriguez
Inks by Alvaro Lopez
Colors by Chris O’Halloran
Letters by VC’s Joe Caramanga
This book is probably the most difficult to analyze this week. The story is a continuation of the issue 1 plot of getting the band together. It takes Blink and her comrades to a couple of more universes, including a chibi X-Men ‘verse, which is weird.  The characterization is solid if not always agreeable. It also has a reappearance of original Nick Fury in his Unseen character form. There is certainly a big cliffhanger that can set the series up for some time. David Marquez’s cover is beautiful.
2 Stars
Will Continue, … barely

Flash #45
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Christian Duce
Colors by Luis Guerrero
Letters by Steve Wands
This is another aftermath story. Seems there were quite a few this week. However it serves to set up the events that will spill out of No Justice and set up the Flash book for the upcoming Flash War. The original Wally West has a very interesting revelation at the end that leaves the reader with lots of questions, in a good way.
3 Stars
Will Continue

Legion #4
Marvel Comics
Written by Peter Milligan
Art by Lee Furguson
Colors by Dan Brown
Letters by VC’s Travis Lanham
Peter Milligan’s journey inside David Haller’s mind continues to be thoroughly engaging. The panel layout and figure drawing is well done. There is little background detail, but that is to be expected given 90% of it take place in a mindscape.
3 Stars
Will Continue

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #303
Marvel Comics
Written by Chip Zdarsky
Pencils by Joe Quinones
Inks by Joe Rivera, Joe Quinones, Paulo Rivera
Colors by Jordan Gibson and Joe Quinones
Letters by VC’s Travis Lanham
This issue continues Spider-Man’s trip to the past with Theresa and Jonah. As usual, everything goes sideways for Peter and also his younger self. The mission completed but there are repercussions which will be dealt with in the next issue. Revelations are shared and there are some good suspense beats. Joe Quinones’s art suits the time period it is set in, and he makes some nice nods to the past.
3 Stars
Will Continue

The Terrifics #3
DC Comics
Written by Jeff Lemire
Pencils by Joe Bennett
Inks by Sandra Hope, Jamie Mendoza, and Art Thibert
Colors by Marcelo Maiolo
Letters by Tom Napolitano
The Terrifics are still setting the stage for this book. They are stuck with the requirement to be in physical proximity to one another after their unexpected journey to the Dark Multiverse. This issue deals with getting some character development on all four team members as they get used to staying at Simon Stagg’s compound and fighting a giant war wheel, because why not?  I was not thrilled with Mr. Terrific in this issue, he seemed to be a bit of a meanie. Joe Bennett’s Plastic Man and Metamorpho designs and transformations were highlights on the art.
2.5 Stars
Will continue

Titans Annual #2
DC Comics
Written by Dan Abnett
Pencils by Tom Grummett and Tom Denerick
Inks by Cam Smith, Mick Gray, and Trevor Scott
Colors by Adriano Lucas
Letters by Travis Lanham
This is the conclusion of this latest incarnation of the Titans. The group will be restarted after Justice League: No Justice. It was a fine issue. The art was nice to look at, and the fact that two pencillers split the book about in half was not a major distraction. The story wrapped up the fight versus the Brain and Monsieur Mallah.  The best take away is that the group of heroes fought together and for each other as a team of friends. A solid end to this incarnation of Titans.
3 Stars
Will continue Titans after No Justice.


Well that is it for this week. This is not inclusive of all the great books out there. Go find what you like and read it and talk about it. Comments are always welcome.



AwesomeCon 2018! My thoughts..

We just got back from a really fun weekend at AwesomeCon in Washington, DC this weekend. This was our third trip to this convention event. It is a fairly large scale event with tens of thousands of visitors to the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. There were dozens of celebrity guests from film and television, as well as from the world of comics.  This event is more than just a comic book convention.  It steps up the content to a full media show with vendors selling everything, including: t-shirts, toys, comics, leather wear, knitted items, and other artistic objects. There is really something for everyone from every corner of geek culture.

As a veteran of this show, I have to say that the organizers really had their act together.  Everything flowed for us. While I know that everyone has an individual experience, it felt to us that there was nothing in our way to prevent us from doing the things we wanted to get done. Comic guests were accessible. The physical layout did not impede foot traffic. Facilities and food were available in close enough proximity to the visitors without encroaching on the floor space.

Overall, we had a fantastic time. I would highly recommend this con if you haven’t been. Now please note, we did not partake in the celebrity photo ops or autograph sessions; so, I can’t really speak to those. However, in the past we have done that, and it worked out just fine.

I just need to take some time to talk about the experiences with the comic professionals that we saw there.  They were wonderful. Each person took time to talk to the person who came to see them.  While there are “handlers” managing the lines of the bigger comic stars, those creators still take the time to say a few words to the fans in order to make them feel special. I am sure the creators know how much it means, because they are fans too, but seeing the joy on peoples faces really brings to mind a quote that I recently saw.

Sure, we’re a weird, insular, subculture-serving art form perpetually teetering on the brink of extinction, but that’s where the magic happens, baby.

-Phil Hester

I’ll share just two quick stories from the show here. I won’t use the names of the creators, mostly because it really doesn’t matter, but also because I don’t want to embarass them.

I was speaking with an absolutely legendary comic writer/artist, and through the conversation he was talking about his craft and how he went about it. He said to me, “It is important to do your best when you are making a comic, because every comic is someone’s first.”  This really struck me. It is absolutely true, but it also applies to comic conventions.  Some people travel far to get to them and may only ever go to one convention.  The creators in the comic community, in general, seem to make the extra effort to make fans feel included.  As I was looking around, I saw people enjoying the interactions they had with creators and getting a little bit of magic back.

The second story was from Sunday of the con. This also happened to be Easter Sunday.  I witnessed an interaction with a fan getting an autograph.  The creator is a multi-award winning “rockstar” of  a creator right now. (He would disagree, but he is not here to stop me from saying it.) The fan was a second grader who had two comics she wanted signed. The little girl also brought a plastic Easter egg filled with chocolate candies to give to the creator as an Easter gift. The creator thanked the little girl and offered to share with her. He was polite, engaging, and sincere as always, but then he said something to the little girl that was just the sweetest thing I saw all show. He told her that because she had brought him that little gift, she was now his favorite fan of the day.  This seven or eight year old child couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear as she left the table. It was a small effort for the creator, but you see that kind of thing all the time at the conventions that I go to.

AwesomeCon was a treat to attend, and we definitely plan on going back next year.


Let me be upfront. I do not like guns. I am very proud of the fact that I have never touched a real gun in my life.

Yesterday morning on February 15th, I laid in bed with the news on and cried as I heard the aftermath of the Parkland school shooting. I am devastated by the tragedy that the families have had to endure.

I struggle to understand where we are as a society. How can it be acceptable that it is possible for a child who is not old enough to legal buy a beer can have access to an assault weapon.  Let’s be clear. Assault weapons are made to kill PEOPLE. They are weapons of war?  There was no war going on in those hallways of learning until the child brought the weapon of destruction there.

When children die, we have an obligation to try to figure out how such a thing happens and what we can do to prevent it. When I was a child, seatbelt laws were not a “thing”. I sat, stood, slept in the front seat. It was acceptable. We learned that it is safer for people to be seatbelted, and my children don’t know what it is like to not be wearing a seatbelt. We evolved. I have seen other people make this point, but I want to restate it to show we can learn and change our behaviors.

I have seen some information in the aftermath of Parkland calling into question the outrage of the approximately 30,000 gun deaths per year in America.  The counter argument is along the lines of: “That is really a small percentage of the population.” “Many of those are suicide.” “A lot of the deaths are justified Police shootings.” “More people die in medical accidents.”  These arguments are facts. I don’t dispute them. However, they do not invalidate the fact that access to guns is too easy.  The people who die due to criminal gun violence cannot come back. There lives end. Everything that those children could have done in there lives is now gone.

Why can’t we try to prevent the deaths? Why is it necessary for semi-automatic weapons to be available for public consumption? Why is it necessary for a private citizen to be able to carry a handgun in public? By the way, the only purpose for inventing handguns is to kill PEOPLE.

I believe in people. I believe in the goodness inside all of us. Too many are damaged by horrible circumstances, often times malevolent circumstances. I have seen many Congresspeople discussing how we need to improve mental health treatment in America. HELL YES, WE DO!! We also need to do more to prevent people from hurting each other.

There are simple things that need to be done. Mandatory background checks for EVERY gun purchase. Gun license testing is something we should look into. How about raising taxes on guns like we do on cigarettes and alcohol? We determined that those substances damage our health, and we tax them to discourage consumption and help to fight the after effects. How about using increased gun taxes to fund mental health treatment enhancements?

We need to be having these discussions, and not just for today or tomorrow. We need to have them until change is made. We live in a civilized, self-governing society.  Our representatives in Congress need to reflect what we want. Hold your representatives accountable. Check their gun control policy, and make sure they hear that we want our children to be able to go to school without fear of guns being fired while they are there. Make sure that they know we do not want to worry that when we send our children to school that they will make it home without bullet holes in them. Tragically, parents who sent their kids to school at Parkland won’t be able to hold them or tell them they love them ever again. A very important reason why that is the case is that a child was able to have access to a weapon of war and lashed out in anger at innocents.

Review: Mister Miracle #5

Mister Miracle, published by DC Comics and written by Tom King with art by Mitch Gerads, is, in my opinion, one of the best monthly comic books of 2017, and it is only five issues into a twelve issue limited series.mm5gerads

This take on characters from Jack Kirby’s Fourth World, particularly the title character, is especially timely. If you have not been reading it, you are missing something amazing. The story is not locked to a specific era or comic timeline, but it feels like “the present.” So far in the story Scott Free, Mister Miracle, is challenged with waging war for his homeworld, being accused of treason, and sentenced to execution, all while maintaining a livelihood as an escape artist performer. It is an emotional ride for sure.

In the most recent issue, there is a clear focus on the relationship between Scott and his wife Barda. Reading the issue, there are plenty of events that the couple have to endure while waiting for the execution day. While these events have meaning and are important to the story in their own way, they can almost be seen as white noise that surrounds the metaphorical heart of the matter. This issue is nothing if not a marvelous demonstration of the love that these characters share for each other.

Scott and Barda have always been a traditionally striking visual couple. Their sizes are at odds with old-world thinking and stereotypes, but it is never any sort of problem for them (nor should it be). King and Gerads take the time to show the reader that these fantastically powered beings, who have been thrown into a ridiculous set of circumstances, complete with Funky Flashman making appearances, are completely in love with each other is the purest and most ordinary ways.

As is the norm with this series, the beginning and ending sequences have tremendous importance in moving the story forward. In this case, it is an emphatic exclamation point to everything that is shown throughout the issue. Because of the ending, the next issue is setup to change the tone of the series. Until this point, Scott has been going along with all the twists and turns that he did not quite understand. He has simply played the role that others requested of him. However, Barda’s request now requires him to make a stand up for his own needs.


*Mister Miracle, Big Barda, Funky Flashman are characters created by Jack Kirby